Gaining customers’ trust

xx min read

6 insights to manage your supply chain

Customers want to know where and how their clothes were made. Gaining their trust is not easy. Managing all your supply chain data isn’t either. tex.tracer and tip me explain how both topics go hand in hand.
In this webinar, we provide you with 6 concrete insights to take home & implement on managing resilient, ethical supply chains & communicating them effectively.

You will learn:

  • key factors that make transparency inspiring to customers
  • how to save time managing your supply chain data
  • why data verification could be the next big thing in fashion

    Our co-founder Jolanda shares the most important learnings from 20+ years of experience in the fashion and supply chain transparency industry.

    Tip me founder Jonathan Funke shares the learnings that make tip me one of the most trusted solutions for ethical sourcing to customers. Sit back and listen via the link below.